Living a Life on Purpose

4 ways to inject meaning into your daily life

Kim Forrester


Purpose. Meaning. Inspiration. Personal contribution and a sense of achievement. Having a life full of meaningful actions and interactions can create an incredible sense of well-being, and make each new day feel like a purposeful adventure.

Interestingly, studies have revealed that the benefits of living with purpose extend even further than this “feel good” factor. Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center in Canada have discovered that people who have a sense of purpose live longer than those who are uninspired and unfulfilled.

We have inherited ideas and ideals that unconsciously steer us from our natural instincts and inclinations

Despite the benefits of injecting meaning into life, there are many who struggle to find a sense of purpose on a daily basis. Sadly, I believe this is because we have inherited ideas and ideals that unconsciously steer us from our natural instincts and inclinations. Therefore, in order to find purpose, it may be necessary to strip back your idea of what a meaningful life is supposed to look like, and begin to redefine your own personal worth.

Below are three key factors that I believe can liberate you from the shadow of expectation and help you discover an authentic sense of meaning, and an understanding of how vital you are to this world … just by being who you are.

Confronting society’s obsession with “doing”

What we do, and the contribution this “doing” has on others, is an inherent and unconscious factor in how we value ourselves. From a young age, we are taught that “doing” has the greatest value in society; it is our output, not our intention, which brings rewards. (School reports, for instance, don’t normally grade children based on their compassion or enthusiasm, but rather their intellectual results). Therefore, it is important to acknowledge that you have probably come to understand that it is what you do, rather than who you are, that matters; a concept that may leave you feeling understandably lost, deflated … and desperate to do something!

The most important step in rediscovering your purpose is to understand that there is another way of valuing the contribution you make to society. A value that has very little to do with how busy or productive you are, and has everything to do with who you are and how you choose to view life on a daily basis. In fact, your purpose may be as simple as choosing to be happy.

Understanding the true value of happiness

In 2008, researchers Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler published an incredible study that revealed that happiness is contagious. According to their extensive study, contentment flows out from “happy people” like ripples, lifting the overall well being of their wider social circle (including many people they may never meet). When you give yourself permission to do things just because they bring you joy, you not only increase your own happiness but you also have a profound, positive impact on the wider community.

Therefore, a key to finding purpose in your life is to start choosing daily activities based on what will make you happy in the here and now. Once you free yourself from the need to feel “productive”, you may find yourself inspired to enjoy a range of activities you had previously (and possibly unconsciously) regarded as wasteful. These may include learning a new skill or hobby you will never use again, watching a movie alone or enjoying a conversation with interesting people.

But, what if you don’t know what makes you happy?

Reconnecting with your authentic self

In a world obsessed with recognition and expectation, it can be easy to lose your sense of self and to forget the things that naturally uplift and inspire you. Dr John Demartini, human behavior specialist, teaches a simple way to rediscover your personal values; the innate drivers that determine how you find purpose in life. By truthfully acknowledging the answers to a range of questions, your highest values can be revealed. These questions include, “How do I spend my time? How do I fill my personal space? How do I spend my money? Where am I most reliable and focused?” Once you have determined your highest values, you can seek activities and hobbies that nurture these values and instill you with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Of course, the next challenge may be finding fulfilling activities that are available and/or affordable.

Acknowledging there is purpose in the small things

If you struggle to find the perfect outlet for your values, review your current schedule and acknowledge how these actions currently help you fulfill your highest values. You will be surprised at the purpose and meaning that can be found in everyday activities.

Take, for instance, a weekly walking group. For those who value community highly, this simple activity may offer a sense of belonging and connection. For those who value financial security, the same group may provide an opportunity to network and discuss employment opportunities. For someone who values their children above all, the activity offers a chance to nurture themselves so that they can be fully present for their family later that day.

Waking each day with a sense of purpose is not a selfish luxury, nor an unobtainable fantasy; it is a vital component of overall well-being. By making simple changes to the way your view yourself, your worth and your daily activities, it is entirely possible to claim a daily sense of purpose and actively embody the vital contribution you are here to make in this world.

This article originally appeared on

Kim Forrester is an award-winning author, educator and intuitive consultant with over 15 years’ experience as a professional intuitive and spiritual teacher. She combines cutting edge science with traditional spirituality to offer the latest understandings of psi, consciousness and holistic well being.



Kim Forrester

Holistic wellbeing advocate, mother, nature lover and kindness enthusiast. Blends science with spirituality to inspire fullness of living.